Assembly Equipment and Accessories

Crimping Equipment
(22) If your looking for a machine that can do more than just 2 wire hose, the KD165 might be your machine of choice. This machine boasts a 62 ton press, capable of crimping 2 and 4 wire hose up to 1 1/4" and 6 wire up to 1" ID. /Asset/P400-Portable-Hose-Crimper-with-PF402-tooling--PiranhaFlex-.jpg
Internal Skiving Mandrels with Cutting Blade
(7) Internal skive tools have cutting blade attached and must be changed out when switching between different sized hoses. /Asset/External-Skiving-Mandrels.jpg
KuriCrimp Options and Accessories
Customize your crimper to suit your needs. The KuriCrimr line offers a wide array of options and ac-cessories, including die bases and racks, custom and marking dies and a wide array of ES3 and ES4 upgrade options. /Asset/KuriCrimp-Options-and-Accessoriesnt.jpg
Pneumatic Hose Cutter
Pneumatically powered guillotine hose cutter for fabric reinforced hose and plastic tubing up to 3/4" ID. Delivers a clean, repeatable 90° cut, while reducing production speed up to five times versus using a simple hand cutter. Not designed for use with hose containing metal reinforcement. /Asset/KCS-TT30PI.jpg
Marking Dies
- Imprints your own custom message, logo, or date code on the ferrule during the crimping process.
- Purchase your own custom set of letters, numbers, symbols and spacer blocks; which can be arranged and rearranged in any manner to create various branding messages or date codes for hose traceability.
- Used in conjunction with standard die set for that size, and replaces one of the eight standard die segments with marking die segment.
- Marking varies in height from 1.5 mm to 4 mm, and in length from 10 to 15 characters, depending on die size.
- For use with KC1-H130, KC3-H130, KC1-H135, KC3-H135, KC3-H144 and KC3-H170 Series Crimpers.
- Also available for KC1-H83, KC3-H88 and all KC4 Series crimpers. Contact Kuriyama Customer Service for details