Oroflex® Well
Oroflex® Well
- Oroflex® Well OFWL™ Series Flexible Well Riser Hose
316 Stainless Steel Conical Couplings
- Includes coupling, clamp and screws
- Available with or without drain hole
- Field fittable and reusable
- Optional fuse and plug sold separately
- AISI 316 Stainless Steel Fuses
(2) - Torpedo (Plumb) Levels
Centering Devices
- Helps to protect hose and pump during raising/lowering
- Multiple segments snap together to create a single centering device (various quantities required depending on hose diameter).
- Various sizes available to accommodate different sized wells.
Transparent Polyurethane Straps
Used to attach centering device and heavy power cables to hose
A316 Stainless Steel Buckles
Used to attach centering device and heavy power cables to hose
White Polyamide Washers
Used to attach light power cables (under 2.7 lbs/ft) to hose
Black Cable Straps
Used to attach light power cables (under 2.7 lbs/ft) to hose
Mounting Rollers
Mounting Rollers
(2)- Optional unit available to assist with hose installation
- Durable steel construction
- Safety pins hold roller bar in place when not raising/lowering hose
- Available in two sizes depending on hose size
Mounting Clamps
Mounting Clamps
(3)Optional clamp used to raise or stabilize hose during initial installation.