Quick Release Couplings
Female coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 51
1/4" to 2"
to max WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/Page-8--QAF-ISO-A-Female_Coupling_Female_Thread_Primary.jpg
Male coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 51
1/4" to 2"
to max WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/Page-8--QAM-ISO-A-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread_Primary.jpg
Dust cap for male coupling /Asset/QAC-04-16-Male-Dust-Cap-Page-9.jpg
Dust plug for female coupling /Asset/QAP-04-16-Female-Dust-Plug-Page-9.jpg
Female coupling - Female thread
DN 6 TO 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 300 bar 4350 PSI /Asset/QBF-ISO-B-Female_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-11.jpg
Male coupling - Female thread
DN 6 TO 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 300 bar 4350 PSI /Asset/QBM-ISO-B-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-11.jpg
Dust cap for male coupling /Asset/QBC-04-16-Male-Dust-Cap-Page-11.jpg
Dust plug for female coupling /Asset/QBP-04-16-Female-Dust-Plug-Page-11.jpg
Female coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/QFF-Female_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-19.jpg
Male coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/QFM-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-19.jpg
Dust cap for male coupling /Asset/QFC-04-16-Male-Dust-Cap-Page-21.jpg
Dust cap for female coupling /Asset/QFP-04-16-Female-Dust-Cap-Page-21.jpg
Female coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/QPF-0404-FNPR.jpg
Male coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/QPM-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-13.jpg
Female coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/Page-14--QTF-Female_Coupling-Female_Thread_Primary.jpg
Male coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/Page-14---QTM-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread_Primary.jpg
Female coupling - Male thread
DN 6 to 10
1/4" to 3/8"
WP 700 bar 10150 PSI /Asset/Page-26--QXF-Female_Coupling-Male_Thread_Primary.jpg
Male coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 10
1/4" to 3/8"
WP 700 bar 10150 PSI /Asset/Page-26--QXM-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread_Primary.jpg
Dust plug for male coupling /Asset/QXP-04-06-Female-Dust-Cap-Page-27.jpg
Dust cap for female coupling /Asset/QXC-04-06-Male-Dust-Plug-Page-27.jpg
Dust plug for female coupling /Asset/QPP-04-16-Female-Dust-Plug-Page-13.jpg
Dust cap for male coupling /Asset/QPC-04-16-Male-Dust-Cap-Page-13.jpg
Female coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 400 bar 5800 PSI /Asset/QCF-ISO-A-Female_Coupling-Female_Thread--Primary-Page-17.jpg
Male coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 400 bar 5800 PSI /Asset/QCM-ISO-A-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-17.jpg
Male coupling - Female thread
DN 10 to 19
3/8" to 3/4"
WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/QG-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-21.jpg
Female coupling - Female thread
DN 10 to 25
3/8" to 1"
to max WP 450 bar 6525 PSI /Asset/QSF-Female_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-23.jpg
Male coupling - Female thread
DN 10 to 25
3/8" to 1"
to max WP 450 bar 6525 PSI /Asset/QSM-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-23.jpg
Female coupling - Female thread
DN 10 to 25
3/8" to 1"
to max WP 450 bar 6525 PSI /Asset/Page-24--QKF-Female_Coupling-Female_Thread_Primary.jpg
Male coupling - Female thread
DN 10 to 25
3/8" to 1"
to max WP 450 bar 6525 PSI /Asset/QKM-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-25.jpg

ISO A Female Coupler with Female Thread
(7) STANDARD ISO 7241 A - POPPET QA-ISO-AFemale coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 51
1/4" to 2"
to max WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/Page-8--QAF-ISO-A-Female_Coupling_Female_Thread_Primary.jpg

ISO A Male Coupler with Female Thread
(7) STANDARD ISO 7241 A - POPPET QA-ISO-AMale coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 51
1/4" to 2"
to max WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/Page-8--QAM-ISO-A-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread_Primary.jpg

ISO A Plastic Dust Cap
(5) STANDARD ISO 7241 A - POPPET QA-ISO-ADust cap for male coupling /Asset/QAC-04-16-Male-Dust-Cap-Page-9.jpg

ISO A Plastic Dust Plug
(5) STANDARD ISO 7241 A - POPPET QA-ISO-ADust plug for female coupling /Asset/QAP-04-16-Female-Dust-Plug-Page-9.jpg

ISO B Female Coupler with Female Thread
(5) STANDARD ISO 7241 B - POPPET QB-ISO-BFemale coupling - Female thread
DN 6 TO 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 300 bar 4350 PSI /Asset/QBF-ISO-B-Female_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-11.jpg

ISO B Male Coupler with Female Thread
(5) STANDARD ISO 7241 B - POPPET QB-ISO-BMale coupling - Female thread
DN 6 TO 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 300 bar 4350 PSI /Asset/QBM-ISO-B-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-11.jpg

ISO B Plastic Dust Cap
(5) STANDARD ISO 7241 B - POPPET QB-ISO-BDust cap for male coupling /Asset/QBC-04-16-Male-Dust-Cap-Page-11.jpg

ISO B Plastic Dust Plug
(5) STANDARD ISO 7241 B - POPPET QB-ISO-BDust plug for female coupling /Asset/QBP-04-16-Female-Dust-Plug-Page-11.jpg

ISO 16028 Flat Face Female Coupler with Female Thread
(22) STANDARD ISO 16028 - FLAT FACE QFFemale coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/QFF-Female_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-19.jpg

ISO 16028 Flat Face Male Coupler with Female Thread
(22) STANDARD ISO 16028 - FLAT FACE QFMale coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/QFM-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-19.jpg

ISO 16028 Flat Face Plastic Dust Cap
(6) STANDARD ISO 16028 - FLAT FACE QFDust cap for male coupling /Asset/QFC-04-16-Male-Dust-Cap-Page-21.jpg

ISO 16028 Flat Face Plastic Dust Plug
(6) STANDARD ISO 16028 - FLAT FACE QFDust cap for female coupling /Asset/QFP-04-16-Female-Dust-Cap-Page-21.jpg

Poppet Industry Standard Female Coupler with Female Thread
(4) INDUSTRY STANDARD - POPPET QPFemale coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/QPF-0404-FNPR.jpg

AG Poppet Industry Standard Male Coupler with Female Thread
(4) INDUSTRY STANDARD - POPPET QPMale coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/QPM-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-13.jpg

AG Ball Industry Standard Female Coupler with Female Thread
(5) INDUSTRY STANDARD - Ball QTFemale coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/Page-14--QTF-Female_Coupling-Female_Thread_Primary.jpg

AG Ball Industry Standard Male Coupler with Female Thread
(5) INDUSTRY STANDARD - Ball QTMale coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/Page-14---QTM-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread_Primary.jpg

AG Poppet/Ball Industry Standard Plastic Dust Cap
(4) 1/2" size interchanges with ISO 7241 A. /Asset/QTC-04-16-Male-Dust-Cap-Page.jpg
AG Poppet/Ball Industry Standard Plastic Dust Plug
(4) 1/2" size interchanges with ISO 7241 A. /Asset/QTP-04-16-Female-Dust-Plug.jpg
10,000 PSI Industry Standard Female Coupler with Male Thread
(2) SCREW COUPLING - POPPET QXFemale coupling - Male thread
DN 6 to 10
1/4" to 3/8"
WP 700 bar 10150 PSI /Asset/Page-26--QXF-Female_Coupling-Male_Thread_Primary.jpg

10,000 PSI Industry Standard Male Coupler with Female Thread
(2) SCREW COUPLING - POPPET QXMale coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 10
1/4" to 3/8"
WP 700 bar 10150 PSI /Asset/Page-26--QXM-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread_Primary.jpg

10,000 PSI Industry Standard Plastic Dust Cap
(2) SCREW COUPLING - POPPET QXDust plug for male coupling /Asset/QXP-04-06-Female-Dust-Cap-Page-27.jpg

10,000 PSI Industry Standard Plastic Dust Plug
(2) SCREW COUPLING - POPPET QXDust cap for female coupling /Asset/QXC-04-06-Male-Dust-Plug-Page-27.jpg

QP Poppet Industry Standard Plastic Dust Plug
(4) INDUSTRY STANDARD - POPPET QPDust plug for female coupling /Asset/QPP-04-16-Female-Dust-Plug-Page-13.jpg

QP Poppet Industry Standard Plastic Dust Cap
(4) INDUSTRY STANDARD - POPPET QPDust cap for male coupling /Asset/QPC-04-16-Male-Dust-Cap-Page-13.jpg

ISO 7241 A Push Pull Female Coupler with Female Thread
(10) STANDARD ISO 7241 A PUSH PULL - POPPET QO-ISO-AFemale coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 400 bar 5800 PSI /Asset/QCF-ISO-A-Female_Coupling-Female_Thread--Primary-Page-17.jpg

ISO 7241 A Push Pull Male Coupler with Female Thread
(5) STANDARD ISO 7241 A PUSH PULL - POPPET QO-ISO-AMale coupling - Female thread
DN 6 to 25
1/4" to 1"
to max WP 400 bar 5800 PSI /Asset/QCM-ISO-A-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-17.jpg

ISO 16028 Flat Face QG Male Coupler with Female Thread
DN 10 to 19
3/8" to 3/4"
WP 350 bar 5075 PSI /Asset/QG-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-21.jpg

Screw Coupling Flat Face QS Female Coupler with Female Thread
(6) SCREW COUPLING - FLAT FACE QSFemale coupling - Female thread
DN 10 to 25
3/8" to 1"
to max WP 450 bar 6525 PSI /Asset/QSF-Female_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-23.jpg

Screw Coupling Flat Face QS Male Coupler with Female Thread
(6) SCREW COUPLING - FLAT FACE QSMale coupling - Female thread
DN 10 to 25
3/8" to 1"
to max WP 450 bar 6525 PSI /Asset/QSM-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-23.jpg

Screw Coupling Flat Face QK Female Coupler with Female Thread
DN 10 to 25
3/8" to 1"
to max WP 450 bar 6525 PSI /Asset/Page-24--QKF-Female_Coupling-Female_Thread_Primary.jpg

Screw Coupling Flat Face QK Male Coupler with Female Thread
DN 10 to 25
3/8" to 1"
to max WP 450 bar 6525 PSI /Asset/QKM-Male_Coupling-Female_Thread---Primary-Page-25.jpg