Kuriyama of America, Inc.

Kuriyama of America, Inc Kuriyama of America, Inc Kuriyama of America, Inc.

Kuri Tec Tundra Air
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Single wire braid high temperature hydraulic hose (Up to +300 ºF) - TR1HT

Meets or exceeds SAE 100 R1AT - EN 853 1SN

Meets or exceeds the requirement of SAE J517 100R1 Type AT - EN 853 1SN
Unit of Measure
High Temp TR1HT 1SN/R1AT Hydraulic Hose

3.6 in. Min. Bend. Radius High Temp TR1HT 1SN/R1AT Hydraulic Hose

High Temp TR1HT 1SN/R1AT Hydraulic Hose

3.9 in. Min. Bend. Radius High Temp TR1HT 1SN/R1AT Hydraulic Hose

High Temp TR1HT 1SN/R1AT Hydraulic Hose

4.5 in. Min. Bend. Radius High Temp TR1HT 1SN/R1AT Hydraulic Hose

High Temp TR1HT 1SN/R1AT Hydraulic Hose

5.1 in. Min. Bend. Radius High Temp TR1HT 1SN/R1AT Hydraulic Hose

High Temp TR1HT 1SN/R1AT Hydraulic Hose

7.1 in. Min. Bend. Radius High Temp TR1HT 1SN/R1AT Hydraulic Hose
Description N/A Single wire braid high temperature hydraulic hose (Up to +300 ºF) - TR1HT

Meets or exceeds SAE 100 R1AT - EN 853 1SN

Meets or exceeds the requirement of SAE J517 100R1 Type AT - EN 853 1SN
General Applications N/A Wherever low or continuous high temperatures or fluid compatibility is a problem, this high quality, high performance hose solves the problem. Also ideal for use where greatly extended service life under "normal" conditions is desired.
Tube N/A Black tube, specifically compounded for temperature and chemical resistance, oil resistant.
Reinforcement N/A One high tensile steel wire braid.
Cover N/A Synthetic rubber, blue… weather, oil, fuel, ozone and abrasion-resistant.
Constant Operation Service Temperature Range N/A -40 to 150 ºC-40 to 300 ºF
Operating Temperature [Max] N/A 150 ºC300 ºF
Air Temperature [Max]1 N/A 121 ºC250 ºF
Branding N/A ALFAGOMMA® High Temp 1AT/1SN ID … WP …Mpa (…PSI) - SAE 100R1AT - EN 853 1SN DN …Q/YR
Size Code N/A 03 N/A 04 N/A 05 N/A 06 N/A 08
ID N/A 3/16 in4.8 mm N/A 1/4 in6.4 mm N/A 5/16 in7.9 mm N/A 3/8 in9.5 mm N/A 1/2 in12.7 mm
OD N/A 0.440 in11.2 mm N/A 1/2 in12.7 mm N/A 0.560 in14.2 mm N/A 0.650 in16.5 mm N/A 0.78 in19.9 mm
Max. Working Pressure2 N/A 3630 psi N/A 3250 psi N/A 3120 psi N/A 2610 psi N/A 2320 psi
Min. Bend. Radius N/A 3.6 in90.0 mm N/A 3.9 in99.1 mm N/A 4.5 in114.3 mm N/A 5.1 in129.5 mm N/A 7.1 in180.3 mm
Weight N/A 0.10 lbs/ft N/A 0.13 lbs/ft N/A 0.16 lbs/ft N/A 0.20 lbs/ft N/A 0.26 lbs/ft
Coupling Recommendations AlfaCrimp One-Piece N/A N/A B N/A B N/A B N/A B
Coupling Recommendations Two-Piece Ferrule Non-Skive N/A AF1
Type N/A Hydraulic Hose
Color N/A Blue
Series N/A TR1HT
Note N/A Freight: Hydraulic Hose can be combined with other KOA products for qualifying prepaid freight orders.
  • 1 Operating temperatures in excess of +300 ºF (+150 ºC) may materially reduce the life of the hose.
  • 2 Minimum burst pressure 3-to-1 safety factor.